Think about it

Randomness Life and Times of Noelle

How'd you find me?

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Sorry, no trolls.

Since today I had to work at noon, but then got a call not to come in til 1 b/c I had too many hours for the week (and they are too cheap to pay overtime [I own all of the overtime for the store that I work that takes talent]) I was walking in just as the trolls were leaving so I knew it was going to be a different kind of day. It was your ordinary day and we got a lot of well needed cleaning done. Just when I thought that nothing exciting or funny would happen at work tonight I heard this fun story.

Apparently the urinal in the men's bathroom smelled like dying deer. After I got done using the bleach to clean tabletops in the deli, I called Josh to go pour the rest down the horrible smelling urinal, which was requested by another worker. Josh did so and then didn't say much about it when he came back thru my department. However, when I was taking the trash out with Josh he told me that while freshening the urinal he noticed a beer bottle lid on the top of the urinal. His first thought was that someone had stolen some beer. He looked in the trash can where he discovered an empty beer bottle. He then proceeded to go check the alcohol isle to find the bunch of bottles that had one missing. After searching all the beer, he found nothing missing. Where did the beer bottle come from you may ask?! Why, some drunk couldn't go 3 minutes without his beer so he brought it into the store with him so he could continue to fill his bladder while emptying it. Wow, what a clever man.
*AFL: sorry there is not a troll story for today, but hopefully this will tide you over til I can get a new troll story...if not, I guess I can make one up for you.


Ellie's Mommie said...

So did the drunk bring in a dying deer too. Or do you have miniture sewer deer that climb up in the urinal pipes to die?

Mighty Dyckerson said...

WTF??! What happened to your avatar? Is this supposed to be some cruel April Fools joke??!

Bring back your beautiful picture, my sweet darling Randomness!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, yes this will tide me over until the trolls return. Thanks so much. Sorry I left my dead deer in your men's room. and my beer. Mighty dyckerson would just crap if he knew those pics aren't really you. ha ha ha... come on show him the real you. All 345 lbs of you. love AFL