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Randomness Life and Times of Noelle

How'd you find me?

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Yep, I am from a small town...Trolls

I have noticed a small difference between small town people and "city" people, or at least the city people that I know. Back home, if someone got pulled over or any of the emergency vehicles left the fire hall, you followed them then drove by as many times as needed to figure out what was going on. However, when I ride with my "city" friends and I see someone pulled over with 2 or more po-po's or an accident, I want to drive by again just to find out what is going on. They are not as amused. I am not sure if it is b/c they see stuff like this all the time and there are more interesting things to do or what the deal is, but "city" folk just drive on by like nothing is happening. So, 2 days ago, i was driving home and there is ALWAYS a speed trap on one side or the other of a bridge not far from my house. Cops are there at least 5 out of 7 days a week, no surprise, anyone who drives that road should know this. As I came over the over-pass the runs perpendicular to the "trap road" I noticed flashing lights. Great, another dumbass got pulled over for speeding I thought. Boy was I wrong and since I had to go pick up my pizza anyway, I made a point to pass this scene three is what I observed.
Pass 1. Two cop cars have their spot lights on the car that is pulled over. Three cops are there, with two of them holding the suspect down while the other is cuffing him.
Pass 2. Suspect is using the phone to call someone. His mother maybe, parole officer, girlfriend...hell your guess is as good as mine.
Pass 3. I think that I see another cop car there, but I am wrong. It is actually a tow truck taking the suspects car away and the suspect is being put in the police car. I am not sure what he did but it was a highlight for my day.

Then I had a fun encounter with the trolls and I thought I would report it for AFL.
N: (ugh) What can I get you?
T(1): Is that mac and cheese plain?
N: YES, it is the same as it is everyday and we are never going to change it.
T(1): Ok, I would like about $0.45.
N:(get it for her) There you go. Anything else?
T(2): What is that? Beef and Noodles?
N: Yes.
T(2): (To T(3)) Would you like some?
T(3): Oh, a little bit.
T(2): Can you stir that up a little? The top looks a little dark.
N: It is beef and noodles, it is going to be that dark all the way through, that is how beef and noodles are.
T(2): Ok, well we will take about $0.90 but try not to get a lot of beef in there, just the noodles.
N: I'll do my best.
T(2): Oh No, over here, there are more noodles over here.
N: I am doing what I can but I am not going to sit here and pick out every piece of beef for you...sorry.
T(2): Ok, then.
Finally got what they wanted within reason and gave them their other order of mac and cheese however I was ----- that close to blowing up their car today, they really got on my nerves.

And finally, this is for Kori. Did you know that Hugh whatever that plays House is also in the human version of 101 dalmations? He is one of the bad guys, I didn't know that until I watched that movie again yesterday.


Ellie's Mommie said...

Could I get 75 cents of Mac & Cheese, but please try to hold the cheese. And I'd like a roastbeef sandwich, but no meat. I didn't know Hugh Laurie was on 101 dalmations. Now I want that movie!!

Anonymous said...

ok I want .10 of mac and cheese but I don't want any mac. and I want beef and noodles, maybe .50 worth. But I don't want any noodles and none of the slimmy sauce that it sits in. And if you don't mind would you run to 7-11 and get me a coke on ice, but I don't want the coke. thanks honey. Don't forget the straw and the lid AFL