Think about it

Randomness Life and Times of Noelle

How'd you find me?

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Piss me off a little

First, I HATE ROAD CONSTRUCTION!!! It is a pain in the ass. And of course they must be working on my route from home to work and home to school. The intersection is bad enough without being dropped down to one lane. I can't even turn right on red at 6am...HELLO there is no one else on the road. So I have to sit thru the whole sequence of light changes. And that is the good time of day to be leaving. Now if I have to work at 3-4pm, there is a ice cubes chance in hell that it will take me less then an hour to drive what usually takes me 15 minutes. The line of cars is honestly about .5 to .75 mile long...all waiting for the light to turn green long enough for 4...yes 4 cars to turn. Ugh. Then on the way back to my apartment, it narrows down to one lane...and the left turn lane, however you have to wait until about 3 car lengths before the light to get into the turn lane. Once you finally get to the turn lane, you can't see around the large machinery to see if it is safe to turn or not. So you have to hold your breath, close your eyes and put the pedal to the medal hoping you get thru unscaved.

Second, I HATE CELL PHONE BATTERIES. My phone battery now has a mind of its own. Sometimes it likes to stay on all day etc and other days it only lasts about an hour. Sometimes, it lets you talk and others it cuts me off mid-sentence. And to top it all off, the F***ing battery is more than I paid for the damn phone. What is wrong with this world??? Stupid price gouging.

Third, STUPID PEOPLE SOMETIMES MAKE ME LAUGH. Here is what happened to a couple of lucky cops...and this is a true story.
The cop gets an early morning phone call on his work cell phone, it is a number that he doesn't recognize but answers it anyway and this is the convo that follows.
C: Hello?
DA (dumbass): Is Tom there?
C: He is not around right now, what did you need?
DA: I was wondering if I could get some meth.
C: Sure, where would you like to meet?
DA: Over by blah blah blah park.
C: Ok, I will meet you there.
* They drive to the park where they met the lady who was all smiles. She took the fake meth and a few minutes later she was in cuffs. How smart can you be to dial the wrong number then talk to someone you don't know and set up a drug deal with them.


Ellie's Mommie said...

Road construction is so lame. Ever notice how you go somewhere and get stuck in construction one week. So the next week, you decide to take a different route, only to find the construction moved! I swear they STALK you!

Mighty Dyckerson said...

My poor sweet Randomness! I'm going to buy you a helicopter so you can buzz around from place to place without dealing with all that pesky traffic!

mist1 said...

I wish the other batteries in my life lasted as long as my cell phone battery. You may take that any way you please.