Think about it

Randomness Life and Times of Noelle

How'd you find me?

Friday, February 23, 2007

thoughts and observations (maybe offending to some)

This may be long and pointless...but deal with it, you never know, you may enjoy it.
1. This morning while at work, there was a larger gentlemen (5'10" pry 250ish) looking at our choices in the hotcase.
N: Hi, what can I get you?
Customer: Hmm, none of this fattening fried chicken on sale?
N: Nope, not today.
N: (thinking to myself) Hey fat ass, I am sure that your high cholesterol, high blood pressure, clogged arteries, and bones and thanking me for not adding more weight to your body. IT CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE. Why are you getting fried food? There are salads right there...think about it.
C: Guess I will take a pound and a half of gizzards.
N: (thinking) Don't blame me when you die of a heart attack in the next week.
N: Ok, here you go sir have a great day.

2. This one is for you AFL. So today the trolls came in (for you who don't know about them, I will soon be adding the background about the trolls so you can catch up).
T: Is that pot roast the same as always with no seasoning?
N: Yes, we use the same stuff every time we put it in the hot case, we don't change carriers.
T: Can we get about...oh...0.80 cents?
N: .80cents?
T: Yeah.
*Note: pot roast is $5 a pound so $0.80 is about 0.14 of a pound...if that, basically a mouthful.
N: Ok.
T: Oh, can we get that big chunk right there?
N: That will be more than 0.80 cents.
T: Well how much is it?
N: About $1.
T: Well, ok just go with 0.80 cents...but don't get too much of that greasy stuff.
N: It is the juice from the meat...not greasy stuff...I can't wring it all out for you.
T: Ok.
T: Can we get a spoon full of Mac and Cheese?
N: Ok, how much?
T: A spoon full, but mix it up b/c it looks to watery.
N: Ugh, ok.
N: *Gives them their stuff and runs the other way*

3. While driving home, there was a older blue pickup that some kid had tried to "fix up and hotrod". As he sat beside me at the stoplight, he reved his engine...virrum virrum. I look at him with the look that says...I am not impressed, can you keep it down? Your pickup doesn't even sound good and is giving me a headache. As the light turns green he "races" me off the line. I slowly increase my speed at a normal rate...doing nothing that I wouldn't do any other time. Once again, NOT IMPRESSED, all you are doing is burning up gas that is causing the green house effect to be worse. Way to help ruin the earth just b/c you think you are cool. The only way a car is going to impress me (as most know obviously from looking at my car) is if it is a corvette and not one from the '80's or 90's. Now THAT will impress me just b/c I love those cars and know that I would look hot driving one. But, to make the drive home even more interesting...there was another "hotrodder". This one was a baby blue, early '90's, datsan pickup. As he reved his engine it was obvious that there was a huge hole in the exhaust, and there was a knock in the engine...pry not good buddy...maybe you should lay off the "rodding". The paint was dirty and rusting and as I examined the pickup more...there were standard sized datsan tires on the front and big "farmer" tires on the back. What an idiot. I just sat there and laughed. Then when the light turned green, he zoomed ahead and started weaving in and out of traffic. For the 3rd time...NOT IMPRESSED, will enjoy having accident material to look at a few blocks ahead...thanks. Oh aren't that cool unless you are going thru a mid-life crisis. your money for something important like a college education...and your future family...which if there are more females out there like won't be having if you keep that stupid pickup. Sorry if that offended anyone, but that is just how I feel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AFL Loves the troll stories. Keep em coming. They make my day. I'm not really into soap operas but this one impresses me. love you bunches: your AFL