Think about it

Randomness Life and Times of Noelle

How'd you find me?

Friday, September 21, 2007


Just letting everyone know that I am back. I have to work a horrible schedule this weekend so you won't get the joy of hearing why I was MIA until pry Monday. Stay tuned for the update, you won't want to miss it.
(Yes, I mean you Mighty D)


Stan Bull said...

You have's a miracle. Many of us had (wrongly ?)assumed the hand of the clown in your shock disappearance.

Mighty Dyckerson said...

Well, well, well! Look who came crawling back! I suppose you think you can just come and go whenever you want. Well Dyckie don't play like that. When you walked out on my last spring, you trampled over my heart. The scars are deep, my child...and it will take time (and lots of BJ's) for those wounds to heel.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for this one!!!! DUCK NOW..